It often happens that calling out discrimination isn’t as
simple as calling jerks out on their jerky ways. A lot of people are actually
perfectly nice – good friends even – but just occasionally make remarks that I’m
not okay with. So my question is, how do you challenge someone on an opinion
which is definitely not acceptable, without making it look like you think they
themselves are a bad person, overreacting, or being rude. Does it even matter
if they’re discriminatory ‘in theory’, if they’re lovely to you ‘in practise’?
Example: there was a very pleasant, mild-mannered boy living
on my floor in my first year at uni, who, when questioned, was strongly
anti-feminism. Once, the people on my floor were hanging out in one of our
rooms, chatting and telling funny stories of the wild things people used to do
at our old secondary schools.
‘Boys used to unhook the girls’ bras sometimes,’ he said, ‘but
they were all slags anyway, so they didn’t mind.’
Thing is, he wasn’t insulting any of the girls in the room,
or trying to undo their bras. True, the girls at his school were real people,
but I doubt he would have called any of them slags to their faces either. But
he had this concept floating around in his head: ‘girls who let boys touch them
are slags.’ What was I going to do? Let this idea go unchallenged, or challenge
it, attack my friend and spoil the mood?
Fortunately, that time I had the presence of mind to be
brief, mild and to the point.
‘I often wonder,’ I said, ‘why boys who unhook girls’ bras
are considered fine, but girls whose bras are unhooked are considered slags.’
‘I’ve often wondered that too,’ one of the other girls said,
which was the start of a beautiful friendship based on feminist rants. For some
reason I always cheer up instantly from hearing a male be sexist, as long as
the females in the room are on my side.
Unfortunately I didn’t spot and point out the catch-22 that
a girl who had appeared to ‘mind’ having her bra unhooked would probably have
been accused of being uptight, so they had no choice but to not mind and appear
slaggy, but at least I said something reasonable.
Another example is the boy I lost my virginity to, and his
attitude to rape jokes. I invited this boy up to my room, took my top off, lay
down on top of him on my bed and told him I didn’t want to have sex, and he
said, ‘okay,’ and we didn’t. Over the course of our relationship he asked me a
couple of times if I wanted to have sex, and then stopped mentioning it when he
saw that I definitely wasn’t ready. He didn’t pester or pressure in the
slightest, and he definitely didn’t cross any of my boundaries.
Eventually I decided I was ready, and everything went fine,
and the morning after, as we were hanging out, I asked him if we could watch
Borat, a comedy film which I knew he really liked and thought I might like too.
This film was basically nasty in every way imaginable, but I’m going to stick
to the rape jokes because they applied to me directly.
‘This is our town rapist,’ Borat explains to the camera.
Borat is supposed to come from Kazakhstan and be on tour in America. ‘Naughty
Later, he says to a car dealer,
‘When I bought my wife, she was pretty, she behaved, her vagin work well, but three years later,
when she was fifteen, her voice drop, chest grow hairy and her vagin hang like sleeve of wizard. How do
I know that the same thing will not happen to this car?’
So this is a joke about the sale and repeated rape of a
child, who is considered by her husband to be a possession comparable to a car?
Hilarious. Meanwhile, I lie curled up in the arms of my boyfriend, who has
shown the utmost respect for my bodily integrity while I do everything but fuck him, and who thinks this kind
of humour is brilliant.
This time, I didn’t say anything apart from, ‘meh, I don’t
like this much, it’s in pretty poor taste, let’s turn it off.’ I’m pretty sure
that he just hasn’t thought it through properly, there’s a disconnect in his
brain between the film and real life and he would be horrified at the idea of
any of this happening for real. But at the same time…this boyfriend was a very
meek and unassertive person. I don’t think I remember him ever pushing or
pestering for anything ever, let alone for sex with me. Was not raping me an
ethical choice for him, or simply the line of least resistance.
I’m going to go with ethical choice. He was basically a decent
guy. But I still felt kind of retroactively violated.
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